Help us collect donations and deliver furniture to those in need around the community.
Transporting people from their residences to health-related appointments throughout Hamilton.
We're looking for someone who is not only fit but also an early bird to be a driver's assistant. Someone who is passionate about food rescue and supporting our local communities.
We are looking for new drivers in Pokeno / Franklin area to help provide our essential health shuttle service.
Help make Morrinsville safer by becoming an extra pair of "eyes and ears" for New Zealand Police, helping to prevent crime and reduce harm in your community.
Support people in the community who have disadvantages in transport options to medical appointments...
Help families in need in the Cambridge community get access to their medical appointments.
- St John Paeroa Store urgently requiring delivery drivers to help once a week for approximately 3 hours.
Got a car and a bit of time to spare? We are looking for transport volunteers to help pick up former refugee children from their schools and drop them at our after-school programs at Wintec and St Paul's Collegiate