Insight Endometriosis is a charitable trust supporting and empowering people affected by this significant condition.
We provide support, information and education, and raise awareness in the wider community. While endometriosis is very common, it can be an isolating illness.
Those affected find that becoming informed and seeking family and community support can be valuable to help manage the condition and being assertive when seeking treatment. As a community organization we receive no government funding and rely on grants, donations and of course the gift of time! Wherever possible services are provided free of charge.
Our services include:
1) free monthly seminars
2) support groups throughout the Waikato
3) individual support and information by phone, Zoom and email
4) one on one education appointments
5) customizable presentation for organizations and workplaces entitled "EndoWhat?!
What everyone needs to know about endometriosis". We also organize events during Endometriosis Awareness Month in March, including our Purple Walk for Endometriosis and produce bimonthly awareness posters, a monthly newsletter, factsheets and share personal stories on our website
The Contact Caller reaches out to health professionals and medical centres by phone to verify and update contact details, ensuring accurate records for endometriosis support.