Do you enjoy getting out and about, watching sport, have an interest in fishing, planes, vehicles or trains? What about going to catch the latest movie on the big screen? Want to make a new friend? Why not do something you enjoy, but take a friend with an intellectual disability along to do it with you.
I will introduce you to one person, just simply be his friend. Include him in your everyday activities, eg gardening, visiting your local hardware store, mucking around in the garage or maybe watching sport on the telly at home or at your local. We match up people with similar interests, whether it is sports, nature, art and craft or planes and trains.
This role is very flexible so it fits in well, if you work or already have a busy life. You will have fun, get out and about in the community and have the opportunity to develop a unique friendship. You will also have the opportunity to make a positive difference in someones life by being a friend to someone who is lonely or by helping someone to learn a new skill or achieve a new goal.
Suitable applicants need to be a minimum age of 17 years, be nonjudgemental and have good communication skills in that you are able to be a good listener and adjust your communication style as required.
You also need to be who is patient, kind and reliable, and genuinely want to connect with someone in a friendship.
No other skills or experience is needed as training and support will be given.
Applicant needs to pass a Police Vetting process because of the nature of the role.
While there is flexibility you need to be able to volunteer at least once every fortnight and am able to commit to at least six months.
Getting started:
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below.
We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.