Logo for EquiPotential NZ Incorporated EquiPotential NZ Incorporated

Through interaction with horses, EquiPotential NZ provides a service to adults, youth and children which promotes respect, inclusion and equal opportunities for meaningful participation. We support people within the community experiencing disability and other challenges to improve skills, abilities and overall wellbeing.

We operate from the Waikato Equestrian Centre which is an easy commute from the city centre. Therapeutic riding is well recognised as having many benefits including increased confidence, independence and wellbeing alongside physical improvements such as increased strength, balance and coordination.

Our qualified Coaches are supported by our volunteers to enable participants to reach their individual goals.


Available Roles:
Healing Hoof Helper - Hamilton

EquiPotential NZ Incorporated
Animal Care | Working Hours

Be part of our therapeutic horse-riding team leading or sidewalking with a therapy horse.

Sidewalker - Hamilton

EquiPotential NZ Incorporated
Social Support | Working Hours

Help to improve physical abilities, confidence and self-esteem, communication and concentration skills for those with needs in these areas.
