Logo for Hato Hone St John Op Shop - Waihii Hato Hone St John Op Shop - Waihii

We're on a journey towards becoming a truly integral part of New Zealand's community health care solution of the future. The Vision for St John is enhanced health and wellbeing for all New Zealanders.
Our five values guide how we do things together: We do the right thing - Whakaaro Tika, We stand side by side - Whakakoha, We make it better Whakawerohia, We have open minds - Whakahangahanga, We are straight up - Whakapono?

We involve volunteers at events, volunteers to assist with ambulance call-outs, volunteers to assist in emergency departments (FEDS), volunteers to call and provide verbal support to the elderly (Caring Callers) in Area Committees and Opportunity Shops.

