Rauawaawa Kaumātua Charitable Trust is quality accredited under the Te Wana Quality Health Programme and recognised across multiple service delivery sectors. We have over 700 Kaumātua registered on our database. Eighty percent are reported as Māori, while 65 percent are female and 35 percent male. The key reasons identified by Kaumātua for accessing support from Rauawaawa are health, education and information, and socialisation. The overarching aim of Rauawaawa is to enhance the quality of life and wellbeing of Kaumātua.
The programmes offered by Rauawaawa Health Services are catered and driven by Kaumātua for Kaumātua. A wide range of FREE services offered exclusively to Kaumātua ensures a safe environment onsite and in the community and reflect the complex needs of Kaumātua.
Kaumātua Nursing Services prides itself on its unique delivery. With experienced and caring Registered Nurses, we can offer appropriate time required to make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of Kaumātua and their whānau.
We offer:
Professional and committed nurses
Clinical support to health appointments
Health and wellness assessments and referrals
Empowerment to make positive lifestyle changes
Health education and promotion
Medication advice
Home visits (conditions apply)
Foot and hearing clinics
Strength and balance classes
Hiki te Wairua programme (dementia)
Hiki te Hauora programme (vaccination)
Kaumātua Oranga (disability support)
Whānau Ora Navigation
Through a whānau-centred delivery, we endeavour to work towards empowering the Kaumātua and whānau to address, navigate and manage all aspects that affect health and wellbeing. This includes the medical, social, and cultural complexities within their worlds.
We offer:
Facilitation of hui whānau
Whānau Ora needs assessments
Navigation Support:
– Income support (Ministry of Social Development, Work and Income)
– Housing support (MSD, Te Runanga o Kirikiriroa, Accessible Homes, Kāinga Ora)
Grant Support (Special criteria applies)
Mauri Ora services provide a range of support that allow a cultural link between Kaumātua, their whānau and other health services when monitoring chronic disease. The service works closely with nursing staff to ensure the safety of Kaumātua and their whānau is upheld.
We offer:
Health assessments and Care plans
Support/transport to health appointments
Ongoing management of asthma/COPD, diabetes, heart disease
Diabetes and heart
Operation times - 8:30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday